Physician Contract Negotiation Tip #2: Know What You Want Out of Your Job

Many physicians, especially those fresh out of training, are hasty about accepting the first job offer that comes their way because they have enormous student loans to pay off, and they haven't yet endured a horrific employment experience that has taught them to tread carefully into any given employment arrangement.  After all, when you're out there looking for your first job, the potential employers are great salespeople- reassuring you that your wants and needs will be met. It's hard to make sure your wants and needs are going to be met when you're unsure about what they are exactly.  It is not uncommon for young physicians to feel that they don't have much wiggle room in terms of defining their employment arrangement.  To most, it seems as though you should just take what is offered, and don't rock the boat.  It is hard to know what you truly want from your employment when you've never been asked to define your ideal job.

But as a newly practicing physician, you have many more options than you think, and so it's important that you carefully consider what aspects of your employment are most important to you.  Maybe you have hundreds of thousands of dollars of student loans to pay off, so the highest salary possible, or even employer-funded repayment of the loans, is most important to you.  Or maybe you're into research, and so funding for your research work, and maybe even having one research day per week are important to you.  Or maybe you have a family, or want to have one soon, so a more flexible schedule is paramount to whatever salary is offered.  With employers growing more and more progressive in terms of flexible employment arrangements, it is important for physicians in their job search to carefully craft what their ideal employment opportunity will look like.  Knowing this crucial information up front will save you and your potential employer time and money down the road by ensuring that you will be happy in your employment arrangement, thereby limiting the possibility of needing to change jobs later.

Working with a physician agent in your job search process helps ensure that you have vetted all potential opportunities, and especially ensures that the employment arrangement you accept has been carefully shaped and molded to meet your needs and secure your financial and legal interests.  Contact Lauth O'Neill Physician Agency today to see how we can provide you valuable services, without you paying a dime until you start getting paid.  317-989-4833 or