Reference Letters: Good to Have On Tap in your Physician Job Search


A recent article published by Adventures in Medicine reinforced the notion of being prepared in your physician job search. When you delve into this process, it often can seem fast paced with many moving parts. Being prepared up front can help make everything go more smoothly, and help you feel more in control. One thing that is helpful is having reference letters ready to go in case potential employers ask for them. While many employers choose to make a few phone calls to colleagues in order find out more about you, some will ask to see formal letters of reference. Having these letters written and ready to go can help the job search and contract negotiations process move along more quickly, and more efficiently. Check out the Adventures in Medicine article for helpful tips on how to ask for these letters, and what they should include.

For more information about physician job searching and contract review, please contact Leigh Ann O'Neill at 317-989-4833 or