Lauth O'Neill is Proud to Annouce Our New Physician Licensing Service!


If you have ever completed a physician's state medical license application, you know that it can be downright painful! Plus, it's enormously time-consuming! It's something that most practicing physicians and physicians in training simply don't have time to deal with. And if you're about to start your first job out of training or a new job in a different state, chances are that now is the time you need to start your licensing process. That is why we are proud to announce our state medical licensing service!

Rather than putting you through the hassle of tasks such as looking up the addresses and phone numbers of everywhere you have ever worked, we conduct a short phone call to capture all of your relevant information, and then we go to work for you! For a flat fee, we take care of the busy work and leave you with what limited free time you have left in your schedule. Once we have completed the tedious application work, we send it off to you for your review and signature, along with an addressed and stamped envelope. All you have to do is sign, and drop it in the mail! It's not rocket science, but it saves you hours of precious time!

Contact us today to find out more about our new physician state medical licensing service- 317-989-4833 or