Physician Job Search Assistance with No Up-Front Costs


Physician Job SearchI'm sure most of you know that on average, physicians in training make about $10 per hour- sometimes it's much less. And for most physicians, a significant chunk of that payment is going to pay off the interest on your student loans. So how on earth can one be expected to pay a professional to assist them in their job search and contract review and negotiation while they're finishing up training? For most people, it simply is not realistic. And of course, we know that.

We kept this fact in the front of our minds when we designed our Premier Opportunity service. This concierge-style service provides our physician clients with the greatest potential of locating and landing their ideal post-training employment arrangement, all while we guard and protect our clients' legal and financial interests. And we don't require you to pay a dime of our fee (not even an initiation fee) until you start getting paid. In other words, we work for you for months, making sure you begin your career in the job that is best for you, and under the legal and financial terms that position you best for success. AND- you don't begin paying us until you receive that first long-awaited paycheck.

We know that medical training is exhausting, both mentally and physically. And the job search service can be too. We pride ourselves on giving our clients their free time back while handling this time-intensive process for them, with no up-front fees or costs. And for those of you entering your final year of training, now is the time to get started! Call or email Leigh Ann to find out more about Lauth O'Neill Physician Agency's Premier Opportunity service: 317-989-4833 or