5 Keys to a Successful Physician Job Search


Whether you’re a resident with program completion in sight or an established physician looking to make a career change, searching for a physician job can be overwhelming. Unlike a typical job search, the process for physicians is much more complex and can feel a bit like taking on a few extra shifts at the hospital in addition to working a full time job. Landing a position that fits both your personal and professional desires can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Follow these five keys for a successful physician job search.

1.     Consider your top “must have” priorities

Spend some time creating a list of what your top priorities are and ranking these from least to most important. Salary and other incentives are certainly important considerations to include but go deeper as well; consider which is more important to you- working in a specific region of the country or working in your ideal practice setting regardless of location? What does your ideal work week look like and is there a particular patient population you hope to avoid or focus on? Furthermore, what factors are important for you on a personal level such as for your family or personal life? Once you have prioritized your “must haves”, you can better weed out which jobs fit your professional satisfaction goals and which do not; ultimately leading you to a more productive job search in less time. 

2.     Fine tune your cover letter and CV

A well written cover letter and CV are the first things an employer will see about you; it’s easily a make it or break it aspect in whether you’ll be invited for an interview or passed up for another candidate. 

Writing a cover letter can feel awkward and intimidating; some find it difficult to summarize in enough words whereas others find it challenging not to become too wordy. Format your cover letter similarly to a professional business letter with no more than a few paragraphs, not to exceed more than one page. Remember that a cover letter is a compliment to your resume, so it should be simple and easy to read. While it is okay to use one letter as a template for multiple positions, you should still take the time to tailor certain aspects so that it’s applicable to each individual position you’re applying for; such as addressing the letter to a specific hiring manager or department head, mentioning the practice by name throughout the letter and giving specifics as to why the location is appealing to you. This will show the employer that you’re serious about the opportunity and help you get noticed right away.

Ensure that your CV is accurate, up to date, and professionally presents the skills and credentials you currently possess. Remember that your focus is on physician employment; thus, in most cases, listing previous positions that do not relate to healthcare should not be a part of your CV.

3.     Start as early as possible

If you’re a resident, you should begin searching for a position within ten to fourteen months prior to graduation. Established physicians looking for a career change should consider how long the hiring and credentialing processes are and base the timing of their searches accordingly. The physician hiring process generally takes between three to six months and, depending on the medical board, the time it will take for you to obtain your state medical license can vary greatly; whereas some states will issue a license within thirty days of application completion, others can take even longer.

4.     Stay organized

Keeping track of what facilities you’ve reached out to can get out of hand quickly if you’re not organized. Plus, it’s not a good look to send your materials to a hiring manager more than once by accident. Consider keeping a spreadsheet with a log of which facilities you’ve applied to and when, who you communicated with, and what the response was. You should also include information within the spreadsheet about what is appealing to you about this facility; is it the location or are there aspects of the site that you are interested in such as their stature in the community?

5.     Consult a physician agency

Utilizing the services of a physician agency such as Lauth O’Neill can help streamline the entire job search process from start to finish. As the physician job market continues to evolve, physician agencies are experts on various medical specialties. In our company, we pay close attention to employment trends nationwide and understand the various job markets around the country. Unlike a recruiter, Lauth O’Neill Physician Agency works for you, not the employer. We take the time to first get to know you personally and professionally. In doing so, we are able to gain insight into your individual career aspirations so that we can successfully help you find your dream job by taking a proactive approach to the process. And, as licensed attorneys, we can even help you with contract review and negotiation so that not only are you able to land a job, but it will be fair in compensation and terms of employment.

 Searching for a physician position takes time. Be patient with the process and remember, the right opportunity for you is out there waiting to be found.